Monday, December 10, 2012

I KNEW that fucker was going to shoot somebody...

I moved to the farm in March of 2007, and lived in my camper for a few months, then moved into the upstairs of the barn. There have been many adventures since then, but few serious issues until now.

Tom moved into the farmhouse about 3 years ago, and all other roommates subsequently left, leaving just the two of us- him in the house, and me in the barn. Things were cool. We hung out and talked every night I was there. We had a fire in the firepit all the time. I like beer. Tom likes dark rum. I bummed smokes off him. We talked about cars, hockey (Tom was an emancipated adult at 17 so he could go play pro hockey in Finland. He's a fucking Minnesotan: Esquire- meaning he's a land owner), and everything, of course.  Chickens. Cats. Dogs. Burning bigass bonfires. Shooting the shit with the hillbilly neighbors. Shooting coyotes. Dude stuff.

There had been people living there on and off, scandals, and accusations, a robbery earlier this year in which my shotgun, generator, t.v., and two video cameras were stolen, but nothing out of the ordinary for rural Oregon, really. Until Chris moved in.

March 2012: Tom works at a tire shop in Portland. Chris had been living in his van outside the shop and used the shop's bathroom, which grew old to Tom's boss, who gave Tom a truck and a raise to let Chris move out to the farm. There were 3 empty rooms (and already 14 cars, most of them broken down Saab's, and Chris brought two more vans, btw..). Chris immediately cleaned the house, and began the process of painting the bathroom- an undertaking that would last until now- holyshit, there still isn't a doornob on the bathroom door. 8 months. And he STILL wasn't done painting a 4X8 room as of today. The iceberg of crazy is just showing its tip at this point.

I opened a drawer in the kitchen one day and saw a pistol. I'm very comfortable and familiar around guns, so it only seemed mostly weird that a guy that just moved in would feel the need to keep a gun in the kitchen drawer. Chris invited me to check it out, a .38 Glock with hollowpoint bullets- one in the chamber. He explained that he used rubber gloves to load the rounds into the clip, because they kept his DNA off the bullets "Cus, you just never know". I remember remarking to Tom that Chris had the vibe of someone who had been to prison before, and that he was willing to go back rather than be made to feel scared or intimidated. And that he was going to shoot someone. Really. I said that back in April or May..

Over the next few months, there were a few incidents which cemented my belief that Chris was going to shoot somebody, and it would likely be me, Tom, or both of us. Really. Shouting matches over  incredibly sanctimonious demands by Chris happened frequently. He really acted as though the property was his (we rent, and Tom is the only one on a lease). Chris acted like Tom and I were both out to undermine his authority, and as though Tom and I had no right to be there anymore. He complained Tom and I used too much toiletpaper- which I had supplied. Chris yelled that we burned firewood that he had a plan for- firewood Tom had acquired and split, or I had brought as scrap from a deck I was building. Just infinitely unimaginable crazy bullshit is what I thought of it.

Chris and I had at least 3 major arguments. The first was over the firewood. The second was over me watering my strawberry plants which I had planted 4 years earlier, because he said he had a "plan for them". The other was over just the fact that he was a guest at the farm and should show more respect to Tom, who Chris called a "five year old" and said Tom always went against Chris's wishes. The arguments persisted. I really thought it was beyond ridiculous, so I stayed away.

Fast forward to last week: I hadn't been staying at the farm for about 3 months, in part because Chris was somebody I didn't want to be around. When he started to prepare the bathroom for painting back in April, he had taken down two paintings of mine, and set them aside. I took them and put them in the barn. Well, on Wednesday of last week, he saw me carrying those paintings to my car. I was bringing them to take pictures of them. He had been strangely sanctimonious about the paintings ever since I took them back but, after all, they were part of a group of paintings my friend The Dave had given to me. Later that day, he apparently went up into the barn looking for them, and left my door open. Tom asked him about the door being open, Chris admitted he'd been up there looking for the paintings, and Tom said "Were you theivin'?" Chris freaked out and left.
Thursday Chris left Tom a note saying he didn't feel safe in the house anymore, and that Tom had insulted him. This wasn't the first time Chris had said these things, but whatever...

Last Friday: Tom was upstairs in his room and heard Chris come in. Tom came downstairs to apologize to him. He said that when he did, he said "Sorry, but.." and Chris lost it. He started yelling that there was always a "But..", and got in Tom's face. Yelling. Gesturing. Tom said he turned and walked back to his door, looked back and Chris had reached into the drawer and grabbed the gun, he said something Tom doesn't remember, pointed the gun, and shot Tom in the abdomen from about 8 feet away. Tom says he doubled over and said "You shot me!!", and Chris walked over and held the gun to the back of Tom's head and said something to him, but Tom grabbed the gun, punched Chris in the face, and then Tom ran out. He went to get in his car and he said Chris yelled something about "You're not hurt that bad if you can run. I have another gun in here!"

Tom drove 7 miles to St. Helens only to find out the clinic there doesn't have 24/7 emergency services, so he turned around and drove the 27 miles to Portland. He says he stopped to get gas and cigarettes(??!!!??). He went to the hospital there in St. Johns, but they didn't have the proper services, and they transported him to the right place. This is when he told them he'd been shot, and the hospital called 911. Why he didn't call, i don't know.

There had been little blood because the entrance wound was the only opening, as the bullet never exited. It travelled 15 inches through his abdomen and lodged in his leg! They gave him a local anesthetic, and removed the bullet intact. The nurse said she'd never seen anybody survive a shot with a .38 hollowpoint, and the doctor told him it was shot at such close range that it never had a chance to "spool up" and be able to fragment, and that it only hit flesh so it never flattened. A very fortunate thing. Had the bulled exited because Tom's body position had been different, or the bullet had come from a different angle, or hit a bone, or just about anywhere else, he'd have at the very least be missing some part of him, or have bled to death. No major organs hit. Not his bladder, not his intestines. Just flesh. (Tom's a bigger guy, and the doc said that helped him!)

God bless Tom, he didn't take any pain meds beside the local, and he then drove himself home where the cops got the gun and bullet that was removed from his leg.

I got a call and a few texts from Tom and the police in the middle of the night, but didn't answer because I normally get drunk calls from friends back home in Wisconsin around that time, but at about 5 a.m. I checked my phone, and saw a text that said "been shot by chris. @ legacy emanuel". Like, what the fuck, dude???? Really??!! When I found out Chris was on the loose, I became concerned, of course. I knew he was unstable, and probably preferred to kill me as much as he did Tom. That's when I posted a pic of a similar van to his on my facebook page, and pretty much sounded like a crazy guy myself by saying "THIS ISN'T A JOKE" a bunch of times.

That afternoon my girlfriend Toni and I went shopping. Chris still was on the loose. We went to a couple stores, then Fred Meyer. I had texted Tom asking what was his favorite vegetable, as we were getting some food and supplies for him. In the middle of the produce section I began crying, really inexplicably. Toni asked me what was wrong, and I said I didn't know. "I have an overwhelming sense of dread right now" was the only explanation I had. Ten minutes later I got a text from Tom saying verbatim:"cauliflower, but christopher just showed up and peabody is on his way". Peabody is the cop Tom had talked to the night before. I immediately called Tom and he said he was barricaded up in his room with a rifle and his dog. I then called 911 and explained the situation.

Toni and I drove up to the farm, and upon cresting the hill, saw no cops. I called 911 again, and they said they were staging. Long story short, the cops started showing up one after the other, and by the time an hour and a half had passed, there were 13 cops in riot gear, with a canine unit, and a ambulance on standby. I helped by describing that the front door didn't open, and diagramming the whole property and house. They waited until it was dark, and slowly went down there, and spied on things for a while, before calling Chris on the phone and asking him to come out, which he did.
It's truly great that he did, as he is just looney enough for it to have gone either, or any way.

So, Tom Bengston is a tough motherfucker. Let that be known. He is very sore and doesn't feel like climbing those stairs up to his room, so I have set him up in one of the downstairs rooms with a nice bed, space heater, t.v., vcr and dvd player, and even an Elvis poster to liven up the place. He was watching "Anchorman" for the first time when I saw him last, was planning on watching "Caddyshack" next,  and eating cookies. Oh yeah, the one thing about Chris that is good: he stockpiled chocolate, cookie dough, meat, wine, and beer when it was on sale. So Tom's got that going for him, which is nice.

here's a pic of all the coppers coming in to gittim:

here's the audio/video of the scanner when they got chris:

here's chris' mugshot and list of preliminary charges:

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